Invisible forces are becoming visible.
Men in the city are being initiated. To the lazy and unimaginative the modern world remains a vacant, materialist continuity. Today’s managerial elites are agents of empiricism; if it cannot be measured, quantified or metricized its does not exist. The things that rouse humanity, the intangibles and transcendent forces, indeed the archaic, miraculous and sacred underpinnings that molded and continue to animate the world soul are dismissed as spurious and delusional. How ironical it is that the wars flaming in the Middle East and Eastern Europe (perhaps East Asia?) are centered in holy places along ancient fault lines transfixed on the psychical residue of eschatology and the invisible potencies of human identity.
Invisible forces are becoming visible, and the souls of men are resonant. We are living in apocalyptic times, times of torrent, of mystical signs and thunderous end of cycle lightning. In ancient times men turned to the shamans, oracles and seers equipped to tap into the supernatural to guide the uninitiated from mountain foot to summit. Likewise, insight into the present moment is to be found in the Yuga Cycle (currently the Kali Yuga), perturbations of Axial Precession (26K year cycle), the Mayan Calendar ("The Long Count"), and even the astrological shift into the Age of Aquarius. All are expressions of a metaphysical mind and markers of cosmic time, all are communicating a similar message that the world soul is traversing a period of profound change, revolutionary upheaval, and spiritual transformation.
We are living in apocalyptic times, times of torrent, of mystical signs and thunderous end of cycle lightning.
Certainly, the universe is whispering to those who care to listen. Such resonance is completely imperceptible to the gospels of Scientism and confirms the paradigmatic shift upon us. Myopia is self-satisfying until exogenous realities overwhelm the senses or as Mircea Eliade says, “the man who has made his choice in favor of a profane life never fully succeeds in completely doing away with religious behavior.” Ultimately, it is in the sacred spaces where one can see beyond nihilistic materialism, where glowing orbs floating above, where the rise of Asabiyyah inside the House of Islam and the Masco-nationalism of sexless men conjure deep rooted energies no one foresaw and soon to become insurmountable. We have reached an Omega Point.
Omega Men
Transformative change implies a shift in human consciousness. It is a bold claim to suggest we are living in a time of spiritual ascent given the traumatized state of the Western psyche, but sometimes disorientation is the prelude to enlightenment. There were several stages since Christ’s death that catapulted the awareness of Western man to a new level: the Copernican revolution, the Darwinian revolution, some would argue the Freudian and Einsteinian revolutions. All permutations utterly collapsed legacy paradigms, sometimes violently, and all awakened men to a newly realized complexity. The veracity of these paradigms is less important than the permutation of mind that accompanied them.
Sometimes disorientation is the prelude to enlightenment.
Various schools of thought have depicted these inflection points (and many others) differently. Thomas Khun considered scientific breakthrough as a kind of demolition and rebuilding process; old ideas fall and new one’s erect foundations in their ruins like the Jupiter Temple the Romans built on top of Baalbek obscuring it from view as if it wasn’t even there. The Positivists viewed these changes in human knowledge as cumulative, facilitating progress and this continues to be the dominant thinking among the empiricists. More eccentric thinkers like Botanist and drug enthusiast Terence McKenna interpreted the universe as a novelty machine speeding up overtime as the cosmos complexifies and human thought adapts to that complexity.
The foundations of modern Western consciousness are vaporizing before our eyes.
Yet another way of thinking about this is the Omega Point. A French Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s views were integrative. As a Paleontologist and Catholic Priest, Chardin viewed the universe as destined toward a final point of unity. For Teilhard, evolution was both a scientific and spiritual process that expressed the interplay of two forces: Tangential Energy and Radial Energy. As man evolves biologically and spiritually “forces of compression” spawn the Omega Point wherein man reintegrates into the Godhead, the logos, the Christ. I am not asserting we have arrived at the terminal point, far from it, but we have entered a critical juncture in which the foundations of modern Western consciousness are vaporizing before our eyes and radically new ways of thinking are viral.
The “Psyop” Myth
There are those who vigorously claim that what we are witnessing is orchestrated theater, a "psychological operation." The Globalists, the Free Masons, the Transhumanists and the Deep State are perpetrating a mass psyop via wars overseas, economic collapse at home, mass migration and open borders, AGI, UFO hearings on Capitol Hill, and global pandemics. These operations amount to a grand coup, each preplanned to confuse, enslave and destroy Western Men. The objectives motivating these activities are varied but the leading narratives are: world depopulation, a global reset, the great replacement, or the crowd favorite to imprison us within a global surveillance state. There are indeed pernicious elements behind these schemes but asserting everything is controlled is problematic.
Similar claims were made in the Age of Revolution. Colonial Americans believed King George III was planning to abolish Protestant sects and impose Anglicanism or worse, heretical Catholicism. Parisians believed the reviled French aristocracy was hoarding food in the Bastille to starve the peasant class. Rumors of every kind tend to swirl during times of great furor and crisis. These and countless other unsubstantiated claims were false, but men caught up in the emotions of the time believed them and that spurred the invisible forces onward, at times with truly macabre ramifications.
Disclosures come when legacy structures breakdown.
Today is a similar time of mass suspicion and fearmongering, and yet we are experiencing an (not the) Omega Point. Disclosures come when legacy structures breakdown and that is the moment we are living in. We have already witnessed disturbing revelations about experimental vaccines, offshore biolabs, Hollywood gatekeepers, false flags, and Zionist wars. Some of the forthcoming revelations will likely confirm our worst fears about the JFK assassination, Epstein’s extortion racket, or pedophilic rings that go to the very top of Western government agencies. If real, UFO disclosure could completely change humanity’s scientific-spiritual model of the universe.
Either way, the spirit of the times in which we live is affecting an alchemical transformation in Western men. We are becoming Omega Men living through a harrowing and exciting transition from one cycle into a new one. Such a cyclical eruption is overwhelming the empirical vanguard and Globalist technocrats who are losing power. Western governments falling like dominos (Germany, France, Canada, UK etc.) is not a psyop, it is the self-destruction of a decayed and crooked system rotten to the core. “The memorable events of history are the visible effects of the invisible changes of human thought” as Gustave Le Bon said. Ours is a time in which the hidden, the esoteric, and the cryptic are coming into the light.
Ours is a time in which the hidden, the esoteric, and the cryptic are coming into the light.
We are at the end of the beginning. Governments, economies, and scientific paradigms will continue to disintegrate. A zest for the sacred and invisible forces that move mankind: identity, faith, community is gaining momentum. The raw dynamism embedded in Western Man’s psyche is resurfacing with a vengeance. The animal spirits fueling the nationalism of young men are beckoning. We are the Omega Men, and this is our time.
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