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Writer's pictureCameron Macgregor

Men and the City 40: Identity, Holy War, and Radicalization Part 1

Updated: Mar 23, 2024

Men in the city are radicalizing around national identities and drawing red lines soon to spark Holy Wars. The spread of Globalism has infected the world soul. Its objective is to dehumanize man, to despiritualize society, to commoditize human beings, and reduce all fields of human endeavor to monetary transactions. In a world deprived of the humanity that animates civilization, a purgatory of no God, no faith, no family, no community, no nation, and no identity there is only a running spreadsheet of amorphous numbers controlled by financiers and governments. There are only haves and have nots, fiat-stacked income brackets, and social status on IG; there is no substance, no spiritualism, no meaning, until there is. Eventually, the human soul rejects its de-spiritualization the way the sickly host gradually rejects the parasite that feeds upon it.


The clash between Globalism and Civilization is intensifying. The lies masquerading as progressive paradigms: that human equality is absolute, that democracy is universal, that globalization is irreversible, that debt is monetizable, and that reality is subjective are self-evidently false “truths” disintegrating around us. Despite claims that the Gerontocracy and its tentacles, the propagandists, central planners, warmongers and woke armies are unbeatable and the forces of light are defeated, the opposite is the case. Globalists are trembling because resistance to their dominion is stiffening at home and abroad.

Progressive paradigms: that human equality is absolute, that democracy is universal, that globalization is irreversible, that debt is monetizable, and that reality is subjective are disintegrating around us.


The karmic cycles that benchmark the highs and lows of civilizations also reverberate in the psyches of men. As the world soul peaks and troughs so too do the hero stories of men. The Hindus call it the Yuga, the Taoists call it “the round,” and the Ancients called it “Precession of the Equinoxes." The great pendulum is swinging back around so men are hardening against emasculation, against feminization, against corporatization, against self-destruction. Mass immigration, mass consumerism, transgenderism, and nihilistic self-loathing are provoking the opposite effect from what was intended.


3 Images of War 

Tragically, war is an enduring theme in the human story, especially so when its causes are ignored or denied. In the post-World War era many said that “peace is the problem of the twentieth century” so it stands to reason that war may fast become the reality check of the 21st. One of the more compelling explanations for the varied triggers of man’s bellicosity is laid bare by Kenneth Waltz’s classic Man, the State, and War. Waltz contended that war inflamed not from one but three sparks, or images as he called them: 1) the nature of man, 2) national politics, and 3) the structure of the international system. What do these images suggest today?

Let’s consider the global picture first. One word to describe the incumbents of international power is paranoia. The self-appointed custodians of global order believe that the world can be divided into two halves, the Liberal International Order (LIO) and those opposed to it. For the shrill and supercilious bureaucrats who dominate the LIO from Brussels and DC, the lands beyond the liberal West are becoming a dangerous wildfire of authoritarianism. Autocratic States led by China are threatening from the East, geopolitical flashpoints are igniting in Ukraine, Gaza, and the Red Sea, and the Ayatollahs in Iran, Putin’s-Russia and Muslim terrorists like Hamas are jockeying for global war.

The East has finally recovered from centuries of cultural stagnation and decline, total Western political-economic and military-technological domination, and the destructive influences of Cold War Communism.


Such a world view is as paranoid as it is delusional. A more accurate interpretation is that the global balance of power is redistributing. The rebalancing can be attributed to a regression to the mean as much as anything else. The East has finally recovered from centuries of cultural stagnation and decline, total Western political-economic and military-technological domination, and the destructive influences of Cold War Communism. As such, a renewed sense of civilizational cohesion and national self-confidence – what I have identified as Asabiyyah – born of economic modernization, political consolidation, and the manic decline of the West has put wind in the sails of the non-LIO.

Heightened awareness underpins this newfound Asabiyyah. Far from assimilating into the degeneracy of the progressive West, the East is increasingly resistant to the spread of Globalism in all its machinations, from dollarization to wokism. Non-LIO powers correctly perceive Globalism as subversive to their national projects so new alliances like the BRICS+ are ascendant, less as offensive platforms than as civilizational Maginot Lines. BRICS+ and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) are alliances of common interests, not of common ideology, which suggests they have learned the lessons of failed Globalist initiatives like the EU and the eurozone.


Tipping Points and Holy War

The conflict between the LIO and the non-LIO goes well beyond new global alliances and spheres of influence. After a century of floating aimlessly into the materialist binge the souls of men are awakening across the world. Neo-Masculinity, as I have said, is about awakening, revolt, and resurrection. These impulses are gaining traction in national politics both inside and outside the West. Leaders like Erdogan, Modi, Putin, Xi, and others are gathering mass support for national visions of civilizational resurrection. The tipping point into war however, is likely to be found in the Holy Land itself, where else?

Erdogan, Modi, Putin, Xi, and others are gathering mass support for national visions of civilizational resurrection.


There is no greater display of Western decay than its shameful abdication to the State of Israel. The humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza may be galvanizing resistance across the Islamic world and beyond but the West is deafeningly silent. Arab leaders from the Emirates to Mohammed Bin Salman himself are begging the US-led-LIO – the purported arbiter of international justice – to stop the genocide of Palestinians before the Middle East is ablaze in war. One would think that mass protests in Berlin, London and Paris from Muslims mobilizing in solidarity with the Palestinians would alert the Gerontocracy to the ticking time bomb they wired to explode decades ago. Indeed, the very mass migrations from the Middle East to the West came in no small part because of pro-Israeli forces to begin with.

There is no greater display of Western decay than its shameful abdication to the State of Israel.


The entire Western governing class has capitulated to the State of Israel and its expansive war. As a result, Palestinians are dying by the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands more are displaced from homes reduced to rubble by indiscriminate air attacks, and millions are losing access to healthcare, basic sanitation, food and water. The true scale of the humanitarian disaster is being flatly ignored in the West, just as the collapse of Ukraine and the millions more lives there have been buried under layers of Mainstream Media cover up. Capitulation to Netanyahu’s government is green lighting an imminent attack on Hezbollah, which will plunge the House of Islam into war against Zionism.

A tipping point is near. Without any Western leadership to push back it seems America’s involvement and by extension Europe’s is a virtual certainty. Worse, the promise of unwavering support from leading US presidential contenders, including Trump and RFK Jr. guarantees the drum beats for war will only blare louder as the Gerontocracy rushes to gobble up every dollar the “Donor Class” has to offer. Average Americans, Germans, Britons, Frenchmen, and others are looking on with unease but there are no brakes on this runaway train, the safeguards are gone.


A Cathartic Moment

As war spreads and the Globalist train derails a mass catharsis is coming. It is impossible to know what depths of rage may erupt when Clown World descends into full-scale war and chaos. At this point all we can say is that Holy War is erupting and the recurring struggle between Good and Evil is once again enveloping the world. The rebalance of power favoring a rising East and the storm of identity embodied in Masco-Nationalist leaders opposed to Globalism are shaping the conflict to come. This leaves us with the first image – men.

Perhaps the key to demystifying what lies ahead rests inside the souls of men, the inner forces of the first image – the nature of man himself. Here we must delve deeper into the “unconscious forces” burning hot in mass movements surfacing in the West. Is there cause for hysteria as the Globalists alarm – are the hearts of men primed for a new fanaticism, a dark terror soon to usurp the world? Or, are the forces of light engrained in faith, truth, and identity resurrecting against Globalism? Will the radicalization to come pull us back from the brink of Globalist war and save civilization?

The future, as ever, remains mysterious but we endeavor to explore these questions in Part 2. For more, sign up for the MEN AND THE CITY email list, subscribe on YouTube, and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.


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